
I used to be an atheist…

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December 15, 2012 by the5thingsineed

…until I realized I had nothing to shout during blow jobs. – A quote from Pope Bob of the Church of the SubGenius, also known to Art Bell fans as Robert Anton Wilson. A man after my own heart, who also believed religion and conspiracy theories should just be a whole lot of fun. The thing I like about conspiracy theories is they are like America’s folklore. Being a relatively young land, we should embrace our grassy knolls and alien abductions much like the Europeans embrace their elves and dwarves. Dwarf embracing. lol.

Title: The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson.

Why I Bought This Book: I didn’t, it was a free ‘strip’. Seriously. Why I brought it home, I can’t quite remember. It was obviously a moment of hyperreality.

What It’s About: What isn’t about? Presidential assassinations, anthrax attacks, subliminal messages in advertisements, black masses and talking dolphins. Some of the best conspiracy theories in the book are reported to have come from unpublished letters to Playboy magazine where Wilson and his co-author Robert Shae were associate editors while they were writing the novels. The Illuminatus! Trilogy received great reviews for exactly  what it is, a fun romp through absurdity and disbelief. The fan base of the novels spawned The Church of the SubGenius, a parody religion with the original spaghetti monster, Yog-Sothoth, who I wrote about in my first post, Time to respect the trees. If you would like to join the Church of the SubGenius, you are simply asked to pull the wool over your own eyes and sit back and relax in the safety of your own delusions. k.

Chances I’ll Read It: Yee-aahh! But I’m sure I’ll pick it up and read it in bits, like I did Don Quixote, (A Discordian Saint).


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